Again a windsurf session with South wind in front of Riactiva. No pictures as there was no one else around. (Where are the good windsurfers from the area?)
The condition were quite good: tide raising, so water flowing South; wind (quite gusty) pushing us North. Easy to start planing early and then it was just as easy to throw so jumps in the tide waves.
Using my 90 l board was really fun. It's so different from the big ON 140 l that I was used to. At the same time all the moves are quite harder. Jibes are ok but tacks and heli tacks are really hard. It's probably caused by the board having a lot less floating on the nose (it's an old slalom shape) than the overall smaller volume.
On a bad note the wind forecast is just bad. No wind for as long as the forecast go. No windsurf in the next days. Even worse is that starting form Sunday it seems that there will be wind coming to Tarifa. Exactly when I cannot go there no more. That's just plain bad luck for me.
New Move!
There's a new freestyle move: Mojito. It looks plain wicked. Love this low jumps tricks. I wonder if I'll ever managed to even do a Speed Loop.