I told you in a previous post how Hamburg has some interesting street art but the official art is also present in the streets. From beautiful buildings to statues one can see about anything in the nice streets of this old but so vibrant city.
Copper statues, roofs, cupolas and other street fixings reminds us of how important the heavy industry of metal foundry and transformation is to the city and its history.

Industry is actually something that Germany seams not to have forgot and it might explain why it's such a economic power. While some other countries decided that industry was something to be done in the far east, Germany kept a healthy industrial layer. Other countries that focused on the finance markets are now getting a beating. Maybe I'm just old fashion and obtuse and don't get the wonders of the financial markets… or maybe a good balance between production, markets and laws is needed for it to work out for most people.

Downtown Hamburg is a network of commerce installation, channels and bridges. Hamburg is probably the media capital of Germany (or at least it's a very important hub). As such you can expect to find all the fancy, expensive and fashionable brands. If instead you prefer something less attention calling you can also find it among the huge amount of displays.

All in all a really nice city where I hope to visit again one of this days.
On another topic: wind forecast for the weekend was bogus. There were maybe 12 knots of wind with gusts of 15 knots. I'm am now in desperate windsurf deprivation and can hardly wait for May when I get to go to Moulay to learn how to do some proper wave sailing.
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