Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Marken peninsula

Yesterday I took the longest bicycle ride I ever took here in Netherlands, taking me to a beautiful and very picturesque Marken. I didn't see any girl dress in their traditional costumes but I did get to see the lighthouse and a small beach close to it.

Here are the stats for the ride:

62.33 km
average speed
21.91 km/h
max speed
43.20 km/h
Not so bad for an fat old cat. Although I do admit that after the 50th km it was becoming a bit too uncomfortable. Still it was worth it. Both for the exercise as well as for the sights. The attentive reader will also notice that I broke my maximum speed record too. The north wind, blowing at what I guess were no more than 8 knots (±15 km/h), helped with that when heading south.

On the way to Marken and when coming back I saw this poor adventure fellow. His adventure was to ride the car almost to the Kinselmeer and get stuck in the soft mud. I wonder how long he had to wait there to get the car out, and how lucky he is that there are no tides in this inner seas.

Twenty six of March was also a very nice day due to some phone calls I received… Might be that the wind will change direction and the skipper will have to steer the boat in other direction.

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